Friday, March 25, 2016


Today, the entire world observes an historical event that changed the course of human history.  Even the Stock Market is closed in observance of the day!  And in consideration of the significance of the events leading up to the death and resurrection of one Jewish man 2,000 years ago, it is curious to note that a violation of the Torah appears to have taken place at the hands of this very same Jew which would, according to Torah scholars, invalidate His legitimacy to be the Jewish Messiah!

Torah requires that every Jewish home in preparation for Passover bring a lamb into its confines and inspect it for four days, looking for blemishes.  The Passover lamb must be perfect--no flaws.  This corresponds to the four separate interrogations given to Yeshua Jesus culminating in Pontius Pilate's pronouncement of "I find no fault in this Man!"  He was absolutely flawless according to the Law.  

At the time of the Passover Seder, just as it was at the original event in the day of Moses, the lamb is killed.  As ordained by God through the prophet, the blood of the slain Passover lamb was applied over the doorposts and lintel of each home for the purpose of deliverance from impending death.  Then, the lamb was prepared and consumed at the Seder meal. And for the next 1,500 years, this Law was observed .... That is, until the ultimate Passover Seder (the Last Supper) would reveal the long-awaited Messiah of Israel.   What happened at that Last Supper changed the Law for all time!

"And the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when the passover 
was to be killed, His disciples said to Him: Where shall we kill the Passover?  
He sent two of them saying, 'Go into the city and there you will meet a man 
carrying a pitcher of water.  Follow him  ... He will show you a larger upper room 
furnished and prepared ..." ~ Mark 14:12-15

Yeshua had already prepared the meal; and later that night when His disciples consumed the Passover, the Torah requirement was satisfied because Jesus was the perfect
Passover Lamb.  It was Jesus Himself Who was consumed because John the Baptist has already revealed him as "The Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world."  At that fateful Seder meal, there was no need to prepare a separate traditional Passover as prescribed by Law because Jesus Christ presented Himself as the sinless Lamb of God to be consumed. It was the seal of the wedding Ketubah of His New Covenant for His Bride.  Today, we call it "Eucharistic Communion."

And though it might appear to the blind eyes of observant Jews and the doubting hearts of unwilling skeptics that Jesus Christ could NOT be the Messiah because He violated the Torah by not preparing a substitute, when the spotlight of the Holy Spirit is illuminated, the evidence--like the Passover Lamb--is flawless and Torah was fulfilled.   It is finished!

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