Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Pastoring a Messianic Jewish congregation can be immensely rewarding.  But occasionally, the so-called Chosen and the grafted-in Goyim who worship together forget we are all One in Messiah and revert back to deeply ingrained prejudices and long-held beliefs. 
This year, I encountered more and more Gentile Christians who are refusing to put up a Christmas Tree or sing the time-honored carols of their childhood because some well-meaning but totally misguided soul convinced them it was some kind of abomination to do so.  For Zion's sake, I shall not be silent!  Rather, I welcome you into my home this holiday season to hear PROOF that Yeshua Jesus our Messiah's birthday really is December 25th as taught in Scripture and written history by the Jewish people themselves.  I will also light the Hanukkah menorah and bless you as my new Christmas tradition:

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