Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Pastoring a Messianic Jewish congregation can be immensely rewarding.  But occasionally, the so-called Chosen and the grafted-in Goyim who worship together forget we are all One in Messiah and revert back to deeply ingrained prejudices and long-held beliefs. 
This year, I encountered more and more Gentile Christians who are refusing to put up a Christmas Tree or sing the time-honored carols of their childhood because some well-meaning but totally misguided soul convinced them it was some kind of abomination to do so.  For Zion's sake, I shall not be silent!  Rather, I welcome you into my home this holiday season to hear PROOF that Yeshua Jesus our Messiah's birthday really is December 25th as taught in Scripture and written history by the Jewish people themselves.  I will also light the Hanukkah menorah and bless you as my new Christmas tradition:

Your comments are welcome.  Visit and click on the email to share your thoughts.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today, I share some of the temple health Hebraic insights from my book, "Scriptural Essence--Temple Secrets Revealed"  and how to access the Holy of Holies in the Human Temple--the Limbic Brain.

To order the Book, on more Temple Secrets Revealed, visit

Thursday, November 1, 2012


“When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you ... a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord."

(Deuteronomy 18:9-12)

     When my husband and soul mate of 35 years died unexpectedly, I was in shock and not in a frame of mind to make thoughtful decisions. A close friend found a nearby mortuary that worked with the military to transport my Beloved to the National Cemetery for burial. He was a decorated 21-year Vietnam Era Vet and worthy of full military honors, and so I agreed to let this mortuary handle the transfer. The facility was managed by a group of Hispanic woman professionals who performed a kind service to me.

     A few weeks later, I received an invitation in the mail inviting me to a celebration of the "Day of the Dead" hosted by this same mortuary. The postcard I received was much more grotesque than the one depicted above, but none the less, the message of this day is about celebrating corpses that are invited back to the Earth as you will see in the video below:


"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
~ 2nd Corinthians 6:14

Sunday, September 16, 2012


The Feast of Rosh Hashana begins at Sundown today and lasts for two days.  In ancient times, it was called the "Very Long Day."  Many Believers look to the Fall Feasts of the Lord as both the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the Wedding Day of the Messiah, because this Feast--the Feast of Trumpets--is the Day on which the "Last Trump" will be sounded, proclaiming the long-awaited Rapture of Messiah's Bride.

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,  
at the last trump: 
the shofar  shall sound ... 
and we shall be changed." ~ 1st Cor. 15:52

The Virtuous Woman is called to keep her oil lamp trimmed and be ready for whatever season her Heavenly Bridegroom returns.  This is a figurative way of saying she should keep watch over her heart, her mind, her family and her household, so that Day does not catch her unawares.  Be vigilant and contending for the truth. Trusting always in the Holy Spirit, given as our engagement ring at the betrothal of the Bridegroom when we first believed.  And while the world celebrates with apples and honey and greetings of L'shanah Tovah (a sweet new year), the Virtuous Woman remembers her calling and her destiny:  She is the Bride of His Desire.
     Listen to her love song to her Messiah Bridegroom as she waits:

              Produced, composed and performed by Janet McBride

Monday, August 27, 2012


A few years ago, I encountered a Jewish medical doctor who told a most intriguing story.  He said that in his many travels, he would often occupy himself with reading the local obituary notices of whatever city he was currently traversing.  Over a 20-year period of tracking these death announcements, he observed a mysterious, yet altogether traceable thread of predictability surrounding these occurrences. 
In the weeks preceding the Biblical observance of Yom Kippur, there is a striking increase in the number of obituaries published.  This also coincides with the month of Elul on the Hebrew calendar.  My own husband, a Messianic Rabbi, passed away half-way through the Month of Elul in 2010.  During the days following the death of a loved one, Jewish families participate in a ritual prayer, remembrance and time of rest called "Sitting Shiva." This tradition helps to heal the grieving process.

If the increase in deaths during Elul is true, it could be tied into an incumbent piece of what the Book of Ecclesiastes calls " appointed time to die." (Eccl. 3:2) While there is no empirical evidence that such a phenomenon visits the Planet every August, tradition needs no such proof for the avid believer.

Yom Kippur is the Day of the "Covering" when Torah observers prepare for and participate in traditions to ensure their sins are "covered" and to have their names recorded in the Book of Life for another year.  It is believed that those who die preceding this event, were not recorded in the "Book" during the previous Yom Kippur.

FOR THE MESSIANIC BELIEVER, our belief is in the finished work of Passover and First Fruits.  Our names are written in the "Lamb's Book of Life," once for all time. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Discovering our Hebrew Roots

Today's Hebrew lesson is on the creation of the Virtuous Woman.  Like everyone else on Planet Earth, you are "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made," according to the Psalm 139:14.  But what makes you so special and so different from all the other 7 billion inhabitants of our glorious planet? 

In the Hebrew language of Genesis, the creation story  makes quite a distinction within the six steps of our emerging existence.  The distinction is this:  When the Hebrew word Bawrah is used as in Genesis 1:1 "...God created the Heavens and the Earth," it literally means that the Universe was shaped out of nothing that existed before.  Imagine!  It just came into being.  But when the word is Asah is used as in Genesis 1:7 "...God made the firmament..." - the firmament was formed and sculpted out of already existing materials.  So, mankind was formed from the dust of the Earth--Asah, already existing materials.  But when God breathed the breath of life into that form, that breath or His Spirit was Bawrah -- just as it was in Genesis 1:1.  It was wholly new, not like anything that ever existed before.  Singular; Unique; One-of-a-Kind.  And for every child formed in the womb, this is still true.

So, while we are "made" by our parents from their already existing DNA, the life force within us--that breath from God--is "created" in us, the first of its kind....Bawrah.  And that is why you are like no one else who is, was, or ever will be in the future.

The Virtuous Woman is Fearfully and Wonderfully Created and Made (Bawrah and Asah)!

Friday, August 10, 2012


Baruch ata Adonai
SHABBAT SHALOM!  That is, Rest and Peace to you.  It is the Eve of the Sabbath for Jewish and Messianic Christian households around the world.  As women of faith, we are to be about our Father’s business, watching over the welfare of our families and our homesteads. 

The Virtuous Woman watches over the ways of her household.”  Proverbs 31:27

The very first thing to do--the most important thing--the action that will change the entire vibrational frequency of your home--is to bless it!  The Blessing is the heart and soul of Shabbat.  A woman lights the candles because it was foretold that "a woman would bring forth the Light of the World." Bless your rooms and your spaces; your doorposts and lintels; your windows and portals.  Bless the beds that are slept in and the table at which you break bread together as a family.  Bless your coming in and your going out.  Bless your husband and bless your children.  This authority is the Gift the Father has given and it can rock your world!  The power of the blessing cannot be overstated. Remember, "The Power of is life and death is in the tongue, and we shall eat of the fruit of whichever we choose to impart." ~ Proverbs 18:21   

Listen to the Teaching on the Shabbat Blessing with Janet McBride from the House of Judah, 1998:
Visit me at and request the complete Shabbat Blessing in Hebrew:

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Where should you be giving your tithe?  Organized religion will tell you that your tithes go to them--the place where you get "fed."  Really?  Quote me chapter and verse on this and please do not drag me back under the Levitical Law of the Tithe  that applied to the ancient Temple.  My physical body is now the Temple; so with that reasoning, the tithe should go to me!  I find it totally curious that the Federal Government and organized religion have partnered together with the promise of a tax-deduction to make sure your tithe does go to them .

"The Virtuous Woman opens her arms and
extends her hands to the needy" ~ Proverbs 31:20

However, the Scriptures do say,  "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep yourself from being polluted by the world."  (James 1:27) 

So from a Biblical perspective, my mandate is to apportion much of my tithe to widows and orphans.  I get no tax-deduction, but the return blessing has been exponential, turning the gift of a Widow's Mite into my own gift of a Widow's Might.    Now, as a widow myself, I am stronger, healthier and more prosperous.  What about you?
Sharing the joy of sustainable lifestyles for Virtuous Women:

Monday, June 18, 2012

So You Think You've Been to Heaven? Part 2

In the Biblical command to "Test the Spirit to see if they are of God," I find that most of the claims of going to the "Third Heaven" can be tested with a little Scriptural detective work on our part.  After all, we are called to be Bereans from time to time. A little scrutiny didn't offend the Apostle Paul, so it shouldn't bother those who make heavenly claims either.

The phrase "Third Heaven" is considered by ancient scholars to be an idiom for another dimension.  The Hebrew Old Testament speaks of Shamayim, and Jewish scholars put forth there are seven heavens.  But again, these are idioms that the finite mind of man must use to explain an infinite concept.  It's important to remember that each iteration of the "writings" from the original scrolls, to the Greek Septuigent, to the Latin Vulgate (the first to be compiled into an actual book); to the various and ever-changing English translations over the centuries have altered these idioms to relate to contemporary cultures.  Beware of the bias of the translators!

The usual justification for personal visits to the "third heaven" comes from 2nd Corinthians chapter 12.  Apostle Paul refers to a man whom he knew was got caught up to the "third heaven."  Although the passage never says that Paul is this man, the prevailing belief  is that it is indeed Paul. Beware of the bias of the Seminarians!  But the passage has been altered from its original form in that the suggestion of an out-of-body experience (usually enclosed in brackets) was added in later translations. And thus the reader is then "influenced" to believe that astral travel is God-ordained and only adds fuel to the idea that we can all go to the "third heaven." 

But the real test lies in how Paul handles this whole event.  He says the one caught up to this "third heaven" heard "unspeakable words, which are not permissible for man to utter."  He goes on to emphasize that he would be a fool to glory in the matter and relate what was seen.  If all of these reports of going to the "glory realm" and visiting the "third heaven" or the "throne room" were viable, then all of these are bringing glory to themselves by uttering that which was not to be uttered.  If true, these experiences are not to be broadcast, reprinted, televised and sold to the highest bidder at the bookstores.

"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies ...  and in their greed, they will exploit you with false words ..."   ~ 2nd Peter 2

Monday, June 11, 2012

So You Think You've Been To Heaven? (Part I)

Have you considered the ever-increasing claims of personal visits to Heaven that abound in the marketplace?  From near-death experiences, to children seeing visions from operating rooms, to the most recent excitement surrounding a book called "Heaven Awaits the Bride."  This is actually a reprint of two earlier works by author, Anna Rountree.  And it would appear that in spite of the repeated admonitions from Scripture to "Test the Spirit, because not every spirit is from God," avid devotees either ignore the warnings or are unlearned in what the Scriptures actually say.  In either case, this is a "Prescription for Deception."
Excerpts from Heaven Awaits the Bride, et al:
"While staying at a cabin in the mountains, Anna Rountree was caught up in a tremendous vision of heaven. While there, she was met and taught by the angels around her ..."  "I've come to take Ann to a training session," Clara (Angel) continued. "What kind of training?" I asked. "Of the healing angels," she smiled. ... "Azar the Angel said, "I'm the one who answers when you call for help."                                                

TESTING THE SPRITS: "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, HE will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" ~ John 16:13
"You need not that anyone teach you: but that same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in Him." ~ 1st John 2:27  "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." ~ 2nd Cor. 11:14    "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." ~ Galatians 1:18     "Then you will call, and the Lord will answer you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I." ~ Isaiah 58:9

These are just a few testing Scriptures... Test yourself to see if you can find more!

(Stay Tuned for Part 2)

Sunday, May 27, 2012


     While the Bride of Messiah keeps her lamp trimmed and fills her jar with oil, TODAY we celebrate the Season of our Betrothal to the Bridegroom.  It is the Festival of the Ingathering--Shavuot, which is Hebrew for "Weeks."  Israel was to count the omer of wheat for 49 days following the Feast of Firstfruits (Resurrection) and on the 50th Day (Pentecost), the celebration would begin.
(Acts 2:1-4)
     This is the day Yashua, the Risen Messiah betrothed Himself to His New Covenant Bride. It is the fulfillment of the betrothal of the Jew (Boaz) and the Gentile (Ruth) as the One New Man.  We celebrate with two leavened Challah Loaves of Bread according to Torah ~ Leviticus 23:17

"You shall bring from your dwelling places two loaves of bread to be waved, made of two tenths of an ephah. They shall be of fine flour, and they shall be baked with leaven, as firstfruits to the Lord."
~ Leviticus 23:17

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


There appears to be "Strange Fire" blowing through the sanctuaries of many celebrated ministries. Recently, I witnessed a phenomenon called Ekstasis worship and dance. Ekstasis is a Greek word meaning a displacement of the mind; a trance. The word appears in the New Testament 7 times, but seems to have taken on a new definition in the modern day church service.

Ekstasis dance is practiced in Shamanistic and Voodoo rituals with the intention of stirring up the Kundalini spirit within.   Its origins are quite ancient and Yashua (Jesus) our Bridegroom warned of great deceptions like this would come at the End of the Age to deceive even the Believers.   And now, we see its emergence in the Holy Sanctuary:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I am taking a Sidebar this week from my usual health and wellness focus to address what I perceive is a Harbinger of things to come unless repentance is quickly embraced.  Deceptive spiritual winds are blowing throughout the Church in America.  Today the Church mirrors the Culture, rather than the Culture reflecting the Church.  The lines are no longer blurred--they have merged to become one sound. JCTV is the new MTV; Piped-in Smoke and Rock Music pass for Sanctuary Worship; Fire-Eating rituals performed on the platform.  Many voices are calling for flexibility and compromise in this New Era and to become agents of change for this Laodicean gospel.  Their "Prophets" speak of power, revival, miracles and prosperity while the "Harbingers of God" sound the warning of impending judgment upon America because there is no repentance.

Shofars (Trumpets) are sounding loud and long calling for a turn from the Church's love affair with the world and a return to a holy, righteous God.  This season of "turning" in the Hebrew Scriptures is called  "Teshuvah"  and it immediately precedes the time of judgment throughout Biblical History.

Yashua (Jesus) warned that in the Last Days to "Be Not Deceived; signs and wonders will be so great, even Church members will be deceived."  The Warnings to the Churches in the Book of Revelation carry one message:  REPENT!  The Harbingers have been sounding for the last 27 Years and still there is no repentance:


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why Weight?

Obesity is not discussed in the Bible--Why not?  Because it was not an issue until 20th Century America made it one.  We as a nation are saturated in toxic chemicals, processed food, GMO (genetically-modified organisms), sugar, overindulgence, and pathetically sedentary lifestyles.  Even childhood obesity has become epidemic because of disinterested or uninformed parents and the power of media. It's time to choose a different path.  Why weight?  You've heard it said that "tomorrow never comes."  Well, it's true!  Change is difficult but morbid obesity is deadly.  Remember, we will all be held accountable for the choices we make in caring for our bodies, our temples:

America has been "weighed on the scales and found wanting."
~ Daniel 5:27

There is a powerful, delicious, nutrient dense program designed for healthy, manageable weight loss and to stem food cravings and sugar spikes.  Slique Essence is crafted from God's Garden and Kosher-certified essential oils.  Check us out at:

Friday, March 9, 2012


Research continues to show the toxic dangers of tattoos, piercings, manicures and other unnatural beauty enhancements.  According to Dr. Joseph Mercola's research, 4.4 million Americans are living with chronic hepatitis from manicures and tattoos--and most of them have no idea they have it.  Actress Megan Fox recently appeared on the Ellen Degeneres Show and shared the misery of trying to get one removed.  She counseled the young people in the audience to never get a tattoo.

"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh...nor print any
tattoo marks upon you: I AM the Lord." ~ Leviticus 19:28

Virtuous Women mentor younger women about the dangers of defiling their bodies to preclude unnecessary diseases that continue to infect humanity.
 ~ Titus 2

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Today's fashion-conscious women are bombarded with Media Spellcasters and Photo-Shop touch-ups in the name of selling sensuality, sex and self-esteem. Over time, these fraudulent tactics have lured unsuspecting women into a multi-billion dollar industry of plastic surgery, Botox, Liposuction or worse. 

No body is perfect; no face is flawless, and yet they are marketed just that way.  These unreasonable expectations, falsely marketed to millions of beauty-minded consumers, have contributed to increasing levels of eating disorders.  This video tells "the rest of the story!"

Biblical grade essential oils have been the beauty secret of women for thousands of years, and are available today.  They are non-invasive and safe enough to ingest.  Consider what Queen Esther, Nefirtiti and Cleopatra knew about beautiful longevity...

Friday, February 24, 2012


Of the making of Diets, Fads, Gimmicks and Eating Disorders for losing weight--there is no end.  So Stop It!  The Creator long ago gave us the most "Common Scents" weight loss regimen for safe, effective results.  Quality whole food nutrition, coupled with Nature's finest therapeutic grade essential oils offer the best in healthy weight management with no toxic side effects.  Introducing Slique Essence --the way God Intended:

"Every month the trees will bring forth fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves will be for healing." ~ Ezekial 47:12

(Pronounced Sleek Essence)

Results may vary and no guarantees are implied.  Please see your healthcare practitioner before starting any regimen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


An under-the-skin microchip device that releases drugs was recently tested in humans for the first time.  Apparently, patient compliance with "Doctor's Orders" has become a problem, so "patients are now freed from the daily reminder or burden of disease by eliminating the need for regular injections," says Robert Langer, MicroChips cofounder and professor at the David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT.

"And the World Leader shall require everyone, both small and great, rich and poor to receive a Mark in their right hand or in their forehead that no one will be able to buy or sell 
[including Medications] unless they have the Mark ..." 
~ Revelation 13:16-17

Full Story: