Friday, March 25, 2016


Today, the entire world observes an historical event that changed the course of human history.  Even the Stock Market is closed in observance of the day!  And in consideration of the significance of the events leading up to the death and resurrection of one Jewish man 2,000 years ago, it is curious to note that a violation of the Torah appears to have taken place at the hands of this very same Jew which would, according to Torah scholars, invalidate His legitimacy to be the Jewish Messiah!

Torah requires that every Jewish home in preparation for Passover bring a lamb into its confines and inspect it for four days, looking for blemishes.  The Passover lamb must be perfect--no flaws.  This corresponds to the four separate interrogations given to Yeshua Jesus culminating in Pontius Pilate's pronouncement of "I find no fault in this Man!"  He was absolutely flawless according to the Law.  

At the time of the Passover Seder, just as it was at the original event in the day of Moses, the lamb is killed.  As ordained by God through the prophet, the blood of the slain Passover lamb was applied over the doorposts and lintel of each home for the purpose of deliverance from impending death.  Then, the lamb was prepared and consumed at the Seder meal. And for the next 1,500 years, this Law was observed .... That is, until the ultimate Passover Seder (the Last Supper) would reveal the long-awaited Messiah of Israel.   What happened at that Last Supper changed the Law for all time!

"And the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when the passover 
was to be killed, His disciples said to Him: Where shall we kill the Passover?  
He sent two of them saying, 'Go into the city and there you will meet a man 
carrying a pitcher of water.  Follow him  ... He will show you a larger upper room 
furnished and prepared ..." ~ Mark 14:12-15

Yeshua had already prepared the meal; and later that night when His disciples consumed the Passover, the Torah requirement was satisfied because Jesus was the perfect
Passover Lamb.  It was Jesus Himself Who was consumed because John the Baptist has already revealed him as "The Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world."  At that fateful Seder meal, there was no need to prepare a separate traditional Passover as prescribed by Law because Jesus Christ presented Himself as the sinless Lamb of God to be consumed. It was the seal of the wedding Ketubah of His New Covenant for His Bride.  Today, we call it "Eucharistic Communion."

And though it might appear to the blind eyes of observant Jews and the doubting hearts of unwilling skeptics that Jesus Christ could NOT be the Messiah because He violated the Torah by not preparing a substitute, when the spotlight of the Holy Spirit is illuminated, the evidence--like the Passover Lamb--is flawless and Torah was fulfilled.   It is finished!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


RELIGION and POLITICS--Those Taboo subjects! 
Both take donations to finance their operations.  Both make covenant with the Government to obtain tax-free status. Both exercise positions of power over people.  And both are governed by the same evil spirit! Religion and Politics are by-products of the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which is a Spirit of Antichrist. This is the same spirit that will rule the world as the ultimate politician and religious leader at the end of the age. This spirit of politics and religion is evident in the Biblical account when Israel rejected God as its King and demanded an earthly leader like everyone else:

"So all the elders of Israel gathered together and said to the prophet Samuel: 

“You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a KING to lead us, such as all the other nations have. But when they said, Give us a king to lead us, this displeased Samuel.  So he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: 

  • Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected ME as their King.  As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you.  Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as HIS rights."  ~ 1st Samuel 8
The first king of Israel was Saul--a good man who, at first, loved God and served Israel. But an evil spirit came upon him (1st Samuel 16:14) and caused mental instability, fear, jealousy and paranoia.  He was obsessed with killing his son-in-law, David, and eventually committed suicide.  When David became King, an evil spirit of adultery and murder came upon him and brought a curse to his family.  When Solomon became king, he was embued with Godly wisdom; but an evil spirit of idolatry and greed led him down the path to destruction. 

The current Presidential Campaign is rife with jealousy, fear, paranoia, anger, hostility and aggression.  Candidates who initially appeared competent, professional, desiring to make positive changes, began to exhibit irrational behaviors.  As the tension escalated, the behavior worsened, revealing the same evil spirit of those who millennia ago desired to be King. 
Alongside all of this political degradation, the lust for power and authority is manifesting in the Church!  The same political spirit has led many of its leaders to irrational behaviors including worldly performance; drama, dance and theatrical entertainment; strobe-light, smoke-filled concerts; celebrity speakers and performers; revenue-generating commercialism; competition for members as displayed by the International Hillsong Church. "By their fruits you shall know them."

A more publicized example of an infecting spirit of politics can be seen in this video from a Bethel Church service, depicting a home-grown invention called the Fire Tunnel.  Bethel, located in Redding, CA began as a traditional Assembly of God congregation in 1954.  But a decade ago, its leadership broke ties with the denomination and instituted its own hierarchy. Soon, bizarre doctrines and behaviors began to manifest as the evil spirit of antichrist infected the ministry and manifested at what can only be described as strange fire:


Power corrupts absolutely!  Whether it's a campaign for political office or the ambitious Nicolaitan ascent up the ladder of the Corporate church, the Spirit of Antichrist (A.W. Tozer) controls, corrupts and influences those who submit themselves to this spirit of rebellion against the authority of the KING of KINGS! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Strange Fire; Paid Intercessors; Usurping Authority ...

An uncertain trumpet is blowing through the American Christian Church.  Its sound proclaims the heralding of a New Kingdom Order that stands in opposition to millennia of tradition, protocol and predictablilty.  A major component of this World Order Kingdom is the emergence of the 7 Mountains Mandate--the belief that we are called to infiltrate and influence the 7 elements of our culture:  Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts and Entertainment and Business. This movement is the brainchild of Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham who announced back in 1975 that in order to truly transform any nation with the Gospel, these 7 elements must be infiltrated. Since it was first introduced, the concept has been embraced by numerous well-known ministries. But it is Deception that propels this mandate forward, because it clearly conflicts what Jesus told His disciples:

"Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, 
then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews; 
but my kingdom not from hence." ~ John 18:36

I wonder which part of "My Kingdom is not of this world" the contemporary celebrity Church does not understand?  There is indeed strange fire in the sanctuary, and it could be the warning Yeshua prophesied regarding end times deception:

For there shall arise false Christs, false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders so that, if possible, the very elect will be deceived." ~ Matt 24:24

While there are many moving parts to this New Kingdom order, two particular elements stand out within the 7 Mountain Mandate:  

PROFESSIONAL INTERCESSORS - This New Order enlists the aid of professional, paid-for prayer Intercessors, hired by various ministries--financed with your tithes, offerings and gifts. Christian marketplace business leaders and entrepreneurs also employ professional intercessors.  The official title for these hirelings is "PLI" -- Professional Level Intercessor.  In other words, professional prayer warriors. Books are available to coach you in this lucrative profession as a new "money-making career."  This reminds me of what God told Ezekiel was an abomination when he saw women in the Temple "weeping for Tammuz," and men facing East reciting their prayers. The Bible calls it "Idolatry." 

ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK - Another component to the "Mandate" is the priesthood known as the Order of Melchizedek. Introduced by Bob Jones in the 1980's, it was originally intended to be the next generation of the 5-fold Ministry.  It seems to have evolved into something much bigger.  One of its contemporary leaders is Dr. Francis Myles, a self-proclaimed "change agent" for the Kingdom. Partnership with his ministry promises blessings that only his partners can earn.  Again, this is idolatry:

 The Benefits of Partnership
  1. You become a Partaker of the GRACE that God has placed upon the life of Dr. Myles
  2. All the "lost souls" that get saved at his crusades/conferences will be credited to your heavenly account!
  3. God will give you a deeper understanding of the Order of Melchizedek
FALSE PROPHET?  Dr. Myles maintains in the following interview with Sid Roth that he received a prophetic vision (no validation)  from God prior to the 2008 election in which he saw Barack Obama speaking in tongues; and that in the 2nd term of his presidency, Obama will rise up and become a voice for God to his liberal friends:

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: 
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by trust in the Son of God, 
who loved me, and gave himself for me." ~ Galatians 2:20

"And he said to all, If any will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me." ~ Luke 9:23
We would do well to heed the voices of of Godly leadership from the past as their words cry out from the grave for repentance and Teshuvah -- a turning from these deceptions:

"The denying of self is the repudiating of one's own ideas.  And the 
only condition for following the footsteps of Jesus is the denying of self
These are the footsteps of Christ that lead us to the Kingdom.
Believing puts us in the Church; following the footsteps of Jesus
puts us in the Kingdom." ~ Watchman Nee, 1934

"Whenever the Church has joined hands with the State [7 Mountains?], 
it has invariably retro-graded in spirituality and effectiveness."
~ Dwight L. Moody, 1862

"What is the chief distinction of the Kingdom?  It is the glory of Heaven.
The true Heavenly-mindedness of all graces is humility.  The least in
the world will be the greatest in the Kingdom."
~ Andrew Murray - 1897

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


It's time to Prepare!  

END TIMES ARE HERE:  Stock Market Crashes--the Shemitah; Earthquakes and Tsunamis;  Currency Wars; Impending Middle East War; Famine; news of coming Global Government; EMP Grid Burnout and MORE.  

How then should the Bride of Messiah "PREPARE" for Doomsday?   We must DWJD--"DO WHAT JESUS DID!"  Janet presents the foundation of how Yeshua wants His Bride to Prepare for her wedding day ....

Sunday, July 26, 2015


The reports of Nirbiru--Planet X, populate much of the alternative and paranormal media.  It's predicted to pass over the Earth in 2016 or early 2017 and create an "Extinction Level Event."  Could this be the start of the Tribulation so long prophesied in the Book of Revelation?  If it's true, what can we do to escape its cataclysmic devastation?  Discover how Planet X was foretold by the Prophet Amos and ties to the Rapture of the Bride of Messiah.

Monday, June 29, 2015


On the Eve of June 30, 2015, the Western Hemisphere of Earth is likely to experience a celestial phenomenon not seen in over 2,000 years.  The Star of Bethlehem may soon be making a return to our night skies — to be more specific Venus and Jupiter will be making their tightest highly visible conjunction in nearly two millennia.  The Bible prophesied signs in the Heaven as a harbinger of things to come ...  
"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring."
~ Luke 21:25

Thursday, May 14, 2015


67 years ago today, Modern Day Israel was born. And for 3 decades, I was taught this was God's prophetic plan to return the Jews to their homeland. But was it? Indeed it fulfills prophecy--but God said the "Kingdom of Israel would never exist again (2nd Kings 17). So, if this is God's plan, why isn't it called the State of Judah? And why does God allow idols in the land contrary to Torah? And why is "Israel" not mentioned in the Book of Revelation? 

No, the establishment of the modern State of Israel is the brainchild of evil men whose purpose is to introduce their "christ" very shortly to the world stage.  Modern Day Israel is the prophetic warning of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 - "Let everyone who has an ear to hear, listen to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying ..."  
The research of author Ken Schortgen is compelling.  An Audio Interview of the Bible prophecies regarding Israel followed by a Video on the History of Modern Day State of Israel: 

