Thursday, February 7, 2013


"The Virtuous Woman rises early and provides good food for her household." ~ Proverbs 31:15

Does it really matter what we eat as long as we bless it--after all, we are no longer under the "Law."   Well, the New Covenant says it matters--and it's a requirement that is, for the most part, completely ignored by the Church.  

When the fledgling New Testament Ekklesia (Church) was just getting started, the apostles and elders gathered in Jerusalem to discuss the guidelines for Gentiles coming into the fold--those being grafted into the "Good Olive Tree," so to speak.  And by direction of the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:28), it was decided that there be only four requirements of the Gentiles--not the entire Torah or requiring circumcision as had been practiced previously.  Three of the four--which were never rescinded Scripturally--involve the processing of meat; the fourth was to abstain from sexual immorality.  Even Yashua the Messiah warned that to violate these is to practice the Doctrine of Balaam and He chastised the Church for allowing it to continue (Rev. 2:14).   To disregard the New Covenant Food Laws is to defile the Temple!  These New Covenant Dietary Laws can be found in Acts 15:24-29:
  1. Abstain from meats offered to idols (Balaam Doctrine - Ritualistic Food Practices--Putting faith in special foods for healing, supernatural powers, etc.)
  2. Abstain from meats containing blood; (Animal died from natural causes; killed by another animal; less than fully cooked)
  3. Abstain from meat of animals that are strangled. The animal must be killed Shechitah (Kosher), which is quick and painless to the animal and allows the blood to drain completely
Eating the blood of animals is prohibited because the Life is in the blood.  This also means that eggs should be first broken into a bowl to inspect for any blood spots before cooking.  Why does all this matter?  The negative side effects of eating blood or improperly prepared meats is creating an exponential rise in disease--primarily because of how the animal is raised, killed and prepared (processed).  And the lack of concern about the processing of meat has contributed to the epidemic of obesity, cancer and heart disease.  And of these things, the Church has remained silent:
"There is a way that seems right to a woman, but the end of it is death."
~ Proverbs 14:12

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